Thursday, December 7, 2023

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (How familiar are you with these, and in what ways do you utilize them?) - December 07, 2023

 Word: toboggan.

  • Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb.
  • Meaning: A long, narrow sled without runners; boards curve upward in front; move along.
  • Example: One man rushed to the top of a snow-covered hill and slid down using a cardboard box as an improvised toboggan.

Word: slicking

  • Parts of Speech: Noun.
  • Meaning: Slick means smooth or slippery.
  • Example: The snow grew heavier in the afternoon in Austin, covering rooftops and slicking roads.

Word: predominantly.

  • Parts of Speech: adverb.
  • Meaning: To rule; for the most part; dominate; govern.
  • Example: Central and Southern France are predominantly wine countries; beer only represents 16 percent of the country's alcoholic drinks market.

Word: doling.

  • Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb.
  • Meaning: A share of money, food, or clothing that is part of charity.
  • Example: The women aren't doling out charity. She pays $3.00 for an hour of Skype time to talk to her husband, who works in Dubai.

Word: Props.

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: Proper Respect.
  • Example: I have to give my props to the governor for handling the problem.


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (How familiar are you with these, and in what ways do you utilize them?) - December 06, 2023

   Word: Arc

  • Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb.
  • Meaning: In Math, Arc is one section of a circle, but in life, you can use it to describe any curved shape.
  • Example: Chiron had told me long ago: Immortals arc constrained by ancient rules.

Word: unveiling

  • Parts of Speech: Noun.
  • Meaning: Putting on the display, the act of beginning something new.
  • Example: He attended the unveiling of the statue.

Word: Fiddle

  • Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb.
  • Meaning: The instrument that has strings. A fiddle is the same instrument as a violin. Manipulate manually in one's mind or imagination. Tries to fix or mend.
  • Example: He constantly fiddles with her van on the weekends.

Word: Roused

  • Parts of Speech: Verb.
  • Meaning: Excited, Awaken, Wake up.
  • Example: When someone calls out "rise and shine," they try to rouse you.

Word: Props

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: Proper Respect.
  • Example: I have to give my props to the governor for handling the problem.


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (How familiar are you with these, and in what ways do you utilize them?) - December 05, 2023

  Word: Windward

  • Parts of Speech: Noun/adverb/adjective.
  • Meaning: The direction from which the wind is coming, on the side to the wind.
  • They were sailing windward. 
  • Example: Have you ever wondered why the windward side of the mountains or large hills receives so much snow than the surrounding areas?

Word: Leeward

  • Parts of Speech: adjective/adverb/noun.
  • Meaning: The side of something that is sheltered from the wind.
  • Toward the wind.
  • Example: Conversely, the leeward side often receives less snow due to descending air.

Word: Spotty

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Uneven or inconsistent especially in quality.
  • Example: The wireless access in the internet room was spotty.

Word: Exasperating

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Extremely annoying or displeasing.
  • Example: The wireless access in the internet room was spotty, which was exasperating because I was still combing the web, looking for the data.

Word: Tinkering

  • Parts of Speech: Verb/Noun
  • Meaning: Tinker means fixing or messing around about anything, spending time idly, unplanned activities.
  • A person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts.
  • Example: I kept tinkering, rethinking, and organizing.


Monday, December 4, 2023

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (How familiar are you with these, and in what ways do you utilize them?) - December 04, 2023

 Word: Catalogue

  • Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb
  • Meaning: A complete list of items, a list of things usually arranged systematically.
  • A Catalogue is also spelled as Catalog.
  • A book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things. 
  • Example: How exactly do you catalogue your childhood dreams?

Word: Amassed

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Gathered or collected gradually or systematically.
  • Means bringing together or assembling.
  • It can be a real shock to enter a room and see your amassed friends shouting, "Surprise!"
  • Example: I amassed 600 images of my family, along with dozens of off-beat illustrations that could make a point about childhood dreams.

Word: Sabbatical

  • Parts of Speech: Noun/Adjective
  • Meaning: A period of paid leave granted to a university teacher or other worker for study or travel.
  • A leave is taken every seventh year.
  • Example: We had bonded years earlier when I did a sabbatical at arts, where she is an executive.

Word: Gallows

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: A structure typically of two uprights and a crosspiece used to hang criminals.
  • A gallows is a frame, usually a wood, made up of a horizontal crossbeam from which a noose or rope is suspended.
  • Example: Steve and I embraced, hired a car, and drove off together, trading gallows humor.

Word: Overjoyed

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Extremely happy.
  • Extremely joyful.
  • Example: When my wife brought our meals, I congratulated her on her promotion. "You must be overjoyed," I said.


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (How familiar are you with these, and in what ways do you utilize them?) - December 03, 2023

Word: Resonate

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Be received or understood, evoke emotions.
  • Resonate sounds like another verb, Resound, but they have subtly different meanings.
  • Resound means to repeat the sound, while Resonate means to expand or amplify. 
  • Example: How could I turn this academic talk into something that would resonate with my kids a decade or more up the road?

Word: Discourse

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: An argument, An extended communication dealing with some particular topic, treatment, or discussion.
  • This is the type of argument where people exchange ideas, sometimes heated, but it doesn't mean they get into fights or come to blows.
  • Example: I had little interest in giving a discourse on, say, my insights into how I coped with the disease.

Word: Bravado

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: A swaggering show of courage.
  • Today, the word means almost over-the-top courage but can also mean a false show of bravery.
  • Example: Though I have always had a healthy sense of self, I knew this lecture needed more than just bravado.

Word: Quirky

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Informal terms, way-out, off-beat
  • Quirky is often used to describe the unconventional traits characterized by peculiar behavior.
  • It is also used to describe things that possess an unconventional element, like a quirky strategy or a quirky idea.
  • Example: My uniqueness, I realized, came in the specifics of all my dreams - from incredibly meaningful to decidedly quirky.

Word: Epiphany

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: A moment of sudden revelation or insight, Divine Manifestation.
  • The appearance of a god or a deity.
  • Example: I had my Laptop with me in that waiting room, and fueled by this epiphany, I quickly tapped out an email to the lecture organizers.


Saturday, December 2, 2023

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (How familiar are you with these, and in what ways do you utilize them?) - December 02, 2023

Fortitude (Noun):

  • Courage/Strength of mind in facing adversity.
  • Example: "A Son of the Six is a man of faith and fortitude," Father Olufemi went on.

Vanity (Noun):

  • Excessive pride in one's appearance or abilities, low table with mirror.
  • Having a ridiculous amount of pride, false pride.
  • Example: "The Vanity of human accomplishment," the doctor said sadly.

Hazy (Adjective):

  • Unclear / Misty.
  • Example: The day was hazy, and he couldn't see far ahead.

Habitat (Noun):

  • Natural environment of a living being.
  • Example: The habitat of Zebra is in the vast open plain.

Yearning (Noun):

  • Deep longing / Strong desire/ Prolonged unfulfilled desire.
  • Example: They speak of the schools with yearning and bravado; they want desperately to be selected.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (How familiar are you with these, and in what ways do you utilize them?) - December 01, 2023

 Confront (Verb):

  • To face a situation that makes you uncomfortable or a competition.
  • To say something to someone about something they have done that bothers you or oppose.
  • Example: When people are rude to you, you should confront them.

Grappling (Noun):

  • Hand-to-hand combat, Wrestling, Struggle (The sport of Hand-to-hand struggle between unarmed contestants who try to throw each other down).
  • If you grapple with someone, you take hold of them and struggle with them, as a part of the fight.
  • Example: Within moments, both were grappling and rolling on the ground, struggling for dominance.

Slugger (Noun):

  • A boxer noted for an ability to deliver hard punches.
  • A baseball player who is batting, batsman, batter, or hitter.
  • Example: The Sluggers were trying to communicate with me.

Flatly (Adverb):

  • Conveying a direct, clear idea firmly, in an unqualified manner.
  • Example: "You have a plan," he said flatly, with a scrape of steel on stone (GOT).

Viscerally (Adverb):

  • Based on deep feelings and emotional reactions, rather than reason or thought.
  • Example: And the smell brought him back so viscerally, to a time when she loved him.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (How familiar are you with these, and in what ways do you utilize them?) - Nov 30, 2023

Impart (Verb)
  • Pass on, transmit, or bestow, add, bring, contribute, or lend.
  • Transmit (knowledge or skills).
  • Example: The initial courses imparted the basics of English Grammar.
  • Example: 
Abstract (Adjective, Noun)
  • Something that is not a material object, a conceptional, idea.
  • Exist only in the mind, Separate from embodiment.
  • Example: A large abstract painting.
  • Example: An abstract of his inaugural address (As a Noun - A summary of the contents of a formal speech, book, or article).

Academia (Noun)

  • The academic world, World of Education.
  • The environment or community concerned with the pursuit of education or research.
  • Example: He spent his working life in academia.
  • Example: If you like school, then you might like academia.

Pledge (Noun, Verb)

  • Give as security on a loan (V), A solemn promise, a binding commitment to do (N), A pledge is a serious promise made formally.
  • Example: You can pledge allegiance to your country.
  • Example: You can pledge to keep a promise.

Defer (Verb)

  • To put off or delay, bow, submit, give in.
  • Hold back to a later time.
  • Example: A landlord can defer rent when a tenant requests to postpone rental payments until a later date.
  • Example: You may try to defer the inevitable by pushing the snooze button, but eventually you must get up.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (How familiar are you with these, and in what ways do you utilize them?)

  1. Mull (verb)
    • The Verb MULL means to think deeply about something.
    • Reflect deeply on a Subject.
    • Example: While they speak, audiences can't help but mull the same question.
  2. Leery (Adjective)
    • Describe someone who is suspicious of a person or a situation.
    • Openly distrustful and unwilling to confide.
    • Example: She was leery of this whole last-lecture idea.
    • Example: If you are leery, it will probably show on your face and in your posture.
  3. Oratorical (Adjective)
    • Describes the way someone speaks in public.
    • Example: I also found myself fantasizing about giving a last lecture that would be the oratorical equivalent of a retiring baseball slugger.
    • Example: If you are giving a presentation or a speech, you are using your oratorical skills.
  4. Reticence (Noun)
    • Remain Silent.
    • The Trait of being uncommunicative.
    • Example: Given her reticence, I know I had to look honestly at my Motivations.
    • Example: As a child, reticence saved him from trouble when his mom asked who ate all the cookies from the jar.
  5. Relented (Verb)
    • Soften, Succumb, Yield.
    • Agree to do or accept something.
    • Example: She smiled at me, her dying showman, and finally relented.
    • Example: We waited for the storm to relent before we ventured outside.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (How Many of them Do you know?)

  1. Embrace: 
    • To welcome something with open arms.
    • Hold. 
    • Hug. 
    • Accept completely.
    • Example: It takes a lot of courage to embrace vulnerability.
  2. Logistical: 
    • Things you have to carefully plan or Organize.
  3. Ruse: 
    • An action intended to deceive someone or trick them.
  4. Demise: 
    • Death of something or someone.
  5. Ruminate: 
    • Think deeply about something.
    • to turn it over and over in your mind.