Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (Are you familiar with these? And how do you use these words?)



 Word: Devise

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Plan or Invent a complex procedure, system, or mechanism by careful thought.
  • Example: Your principal duty is to devise, implement, and manage a backup and recovery strategy.


Word: Drape

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: The manner in which fabric hangs or falls; Place casually.
  • Example: Within seconds, the deflating envelope draped onto the ground.


Word: Trotting

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: To trot is move faster than walking, but not quite a full-out run.
  • Example: The ballooner came trotting over to us. “Wait wait!” he said. “You ordered the wedding package! It comes with a bottle of champagne!”. 


Word: Obsess

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Be preoccupied with something; Haunt like a ghost; pursue.
  • Example: Jai spent the entire day obsessing over how to explain everything to Ricky when he got home from Club Babalu. 


Word: Root

  • Parts of Speech: Noun / Verb
  • Meaning: Come into existence, Originate; Become settled or establishedand stable in one’s residence or life style.
  • Example: As she’d soon learn, my measured response was rooted in my upbringing.  

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