Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (How familiar are you with these, and in what ways do you utilize them?)

  1. Mull (verb)
    • The Verb MULL means to think deeply about something.
    • Reflect deeply on a Subject.
    • Example: While they speak, audiences can't help but mull the same question.
  2. Leery (Adjective)
    • Describe someone who is suspicious of a person or a situation.
    • Openly distrustful and unwilling to confide.
    • Example: She was leery of this whole last-lecture idea.
    • Example: If you are leery, it will probably show on your face and in your posture.
  3. Oratorical (Adjective)
    • Describes the way someone speaks in public.
    • Example: I also found myself fantasizing about giving a last lecture that would be the oratorical equivalent of a retiring baseball slugger.
    • Example: If you are giving a presentation or a speech, you are using your oratorical skills.
  4. Reticence (Noun)
    • Remain Silent.
    • The Trait of being uncommunicative.
    • Example: Given her reticence, I know I had to look honestly at my Motivations.
    • Example: As a child, reticence saved him from trouble when his mom asked who ate all the cookies from the jar.
  5. Relented (Verb)
    • Soften, Succumb, Yield.
    • Agree to do or accept something.
    • Example: She smiled at me, her dying showman, and finally relented.
    • Example: We waited for the storm to relent before we ventured outside.

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