Word: toboggan.
- Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb.
- Meaning: A long, narrow sled without runners; boards curve upward in front; move along.
- Example: One man rushed to the top of a snow-covered hill and slid down using a cardboard box as an improvised toboggan.
Word: slicking
- Parts of Speech: Noun.
- Meaning: Slick means smooth or slippery.
- Example: The snow grew heavier in the afternoon in Austin, covering rooftops and slicking roads.
Word: predominantly.
- Parts of Speech: adverb.
- Meaning: To rule; for the most part; dominate; govern.
- Example: Central and Southern France are predominantly wine countries; beer only represents 16 percent of the country's alcoholic drinks market.
Word: doling.
- Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb.
- Meaning: A share of money, food, or clothing that is part of charity.
- Example: The women aren't doling out charity. She pays $3.00 for an hour of Skype time to talk to her husband, who works in Dubai.
Word: Props.
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Proper Respect.
- Example: I have to give my props to the governor for handling the problem.
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