Word: Rant
- Parts of Speech: Verb/Noun
- Meaning: Talk in a noisy, excited manner.
- A rant is an argument that is fueled by passion, not based on facts.
- Example: I think back to how i felt during that halftime rant.
Word: Intricacies
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: The quality of being complex or elaborately detailed.
- Example: When we send our kids to play organized sports, for most of us, it’s not because we are desperate for them to learn the intricacies of the sport.
Word: Brat
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: A very troublesome child.
- Example: We would all have access to the water during the first half, and the dash to the water bucket was more about us being a bunch of brats than really needing hydration.
Word: Perseverance
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Perseverance is not giving up.
- Example: What we really want them to learn is far more Important: teamwork, perseverance, sportsmanship, the value of hard work, and an ability to deal with adversity.
Word: Mutter
- Parts of Speech: Verb/Noun
- Meaning: A low, continuous, indistinct sound often accompanied by movement of lips without speech.
- Example: We watched him talk away and heard him mutter to an assistant coach.
Word: Hulking
- Parts of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: Of great size and bulk.
- Example: Fear turned to awe when I met my coach, Jim, a hulking, six-foot-four wall-of-a-guy.
- Example: Three hulking battleships.
Word: Awe
- Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb
- Meaning: Awe is a feeling of fear mixed with respect and wonder.
- Example: Fear turned to awe when I met my coach, Jim, a hulking, six-foot-four wall-of-a-guy.
- Example: The famous professor awed the undergraduates.
Word: Wimpy
- Parts of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: Weak and ineffectiveness.
- Someone who is wimpy is extremely ineffective, weak, or fearful.
- Example: I was naturally wimpy and the smallest kid by far.
Word: Detriment
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: A damage or loss
- Detriment is the hurt or harm resulting from damage, loss, or a bad decision.
- Example: I have seen this as one lesson so many kids ignore, always to their detriment: you have got to get the fundamentals down.
Word: Deter
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: Turn away from persuasion.
- Deter means to discourage or literally “to frighten away."
- Example: I was heartbroken, but I was not deterred.
Word: Gesture- Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb
- Meaning: Motion of hands or body to express a thought or feeling.
- Something done as an indication of intention.
- Example: A public-relations gesture aimed at distracting attention from the obvious (The Last Lecture).
- A political gesture.
- He gestured his desire to leave.
Word: Parabolic
- Parts of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: Parabolic symbolizes something or teaches a simple lesson.
- If your grandparent’s stories end with the saying, “And the moral of this story is….” then you can describe them as parabolic.
- Example: Whatever the Plane is called, it’s a sensational piece of machinery. It does parabolic arcs (The Last Lecture).
- Many fable and Bible stories are parabolic.
Word: Runaway
- Parts of Speech: Noun/Adjective
- Meaning: A runaway is a person - Often a child or a teenager, who leaves home.
- Someone who flees from an uncongenial situation.
- Example: As the Plane dives, you feel like you are on a Runaway roller coaster ((The Last Lecture).
- A kid who grabs some snacks and hides out all night in his neighbor's treehouse is one kind of runaway.
Word: Fathom
- Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb
- Meaning: Come to understand.
- Measure the depth of a body of water with a sounding line.
- Example: Being weightless is a sensation hard to fathom when you have been an earthling all your life.
- To fathom something is to understand it thoroughly; it’s usually used in the negative, as in, “I can’t fathom why he doesn’t want to go along with us."
Word: Earthling
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: An inhabitant of the earth.
- In science fiction, people are called earthlings to distinguish themselves from aliens.
- Example: Being weightless is a sensation hard to fathom when you have been an earthling all your life.
- E.T. was definitely not an earthling.
Word: Pragmatism
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: The attribute of accepting the facts of life and favoring practicality and literal truth.
- Example: Maybe it symbolized the balance in my life between aspiration and pragmatism.
- When you practice pragmatism, you accept conditions as they are and make practical decisions. Your head is not in the clouds.
Word: Acclimate
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: Get used to a specific climate.
- Example: It turns out that NASA has a plane it uses to help astronauts acclimate to zero gravity.
- When you acclimate yourself to a situation, you become used to it.
Word: Periscope
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: A periscope is a tool to see things that would otherwise be hidden or obstructed.
- Example: I drew a periscope rising above the bedspread in search of enemy ships.
Word: Inevitable
- Parts of Speech: Adjective/Noun
- Meaning: An avoidable event, Invariably occurring or appearing.
- Example: Then came the inevitable eye-roll.
- If something is inevitable, it will definitely happen.
Word: Lurk
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: Wait in hiding to attack, Lie in ambush. To lurk is to creep around, hideout, and wait to attack.
- Example: I painted a submarine lurking in a body of water behind the bunk bed.
- It’s hard for us to imagine a world so unsafe, with dangers lurking in every unseen and unplanned corner.
Word: Barricade
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Anything that prevents people, animals, or anything from getting through.
- Example: She kept sneaking upon us, trying to get a peak, but we remained barricaded in our room.
Word: Aspiration
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: A cherished desire, The will to succeed.
- Example: Maybe it was a symbol of the balance in my life between aspiration and pragmatism.
- If your aspiration is to climb Mt.Everest, maybe someday you better start training because it’s a long, hard climb that requires a lot of preparation.
Word: Relent
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: Yield or give in, as to influence or pressure; To slow down or soften.
- Example: My mother wasn’t so high on the whole escapade, but she relented pretty quickly when she saw how excited I was.
- The firemen refused to relent; they banged relentlessly on my door until I woke up.
Word: Unveil
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: Used to uncover or reveal something for the first time.
- Make visible.
- Example: My father sat in the living room, reading the newspaper, patiently waiting for the unveiling.
- A city’s mayor might unveil a new monument by removing an actual veil (cloth covering) from it.
Word: Hover
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: Linger or remain near a place, hang in the air, fly, or be suspended above.
- Example: My mother hovered in the hallway, completely nervous.
- We don’t have a cafeteria, we eat outside with seagulls hovering overhead.
Word: Mansplaining
- Parts of Speech: Noun (Informal)
- Meaning: Overconfidence + Cluelessness; Implies superiority over others; Talking down to someone; Say something hurtful disguised as a “Joke.”
- The explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, in a manner regarded as Condescending or Patronizing.
- Example: Your response is classic mansplaining.
- "I will explain it to you later; you don’t understand anything,” Snapped!
Word: Applauded
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: To applaud is to show approval, encouragement, motivation, or appreciation.
- Example: I applaud your decision to start investing in yourself.
Word: Stereotypical
- Parts of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: Describes an action that is oversimplified.
- Lacking spontaneity, originality, individuality, or unimaginative.
- Example: It’s kinda stereotypical we all sit together, but it worked out that way.
Word: Envision
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: See in one’s mind; imagine, envision, To picture.
- Example: I cannot envision him as the CEO of the company.
Word: Infer
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: To Infer is to make a well-informed guess.
- When you infer something, you read between the lines.
- Example: To imply is to suggest or to throw out a suggestion; to infer is to conclude or to take a suggestion
Word: Synthesis
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Synthesis is the act of combining elements to form something new.
- The combination of ideas into something whole.
- Example: They developed a new technology concept based on synthesizing the art of music, drawing, and several other arts.
Word: Inducting
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: Admit as a member; Induct is what groups do when formally accepting new members.
- Example: There was a ceremony to induct the president of the Academy.
Word: Resurgence
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Resurgence means coming back, bringing again into activity and prominence.
- Example: When there is a resurgence of the insect population, the birds are not there to keep their numbers.
Word: Lexicogrammatical
- Parts of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: Lexicogrammar is based on the idea that vocabulary and grammar are interdependent
- Example: Lexicogrammar is also called Lexical Grammar, an amalgamation of Lexicon and Grammar.
Word: Cognitive
Word: Dialogic
- Parts of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: Relating to or in the form of a dialogue.
- A dialogic is communication presented in the form of dialogue.
- A conversation between two or more persons
- Example: The function of reasoning would be to find and evaluate reasons in dialogic contexts - more plainly, to argue with others.
Word: Acquisition
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Something Acquired; The cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge.
- Example: It is simply a practical and effective one if your goal is the acquisition of new knowledge - The Invention of Science.
Word: Foster
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community; encouragement; aiding the development of something.
- Example: Through her captivating tales, she nurtured a deep appreciation for the beauty of different cultures, fostering a sense of curiosity and empathy within each family member - An Affection Alchemist touch.
Word: Pedagogy
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Profession of a Teacher; The principles and methods of instruction; Activities that impart knowledge or skill.
- Example: Let’s explore ways to utilize familiar pedagogies to approximate the core cultural values associated with music in West African culture - Music and the Child.
Word: Premises
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Land and buildings on it.
- Example: They were evicted from the premises.
Word: Acculturation
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Related to the world culture; The adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture.
- Example: Acculturation is what happens when you live with French people for a while and start going “ooh la la” and eating snails.
Word: Remediation
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Correcting a fault; Act of correcting an error or fault or an evil.
- Example: By the time the architects visited in 2015, the remediation was well underway, and the vision for Powerhouse was clear - New York Times, May 17, 2023.
Word: Conceptualise
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: have the idea for; conceive.
- Example: I learned that monogamy doesn’t need to be as strict as we conceptualise it growing up - The GuardianSep 25, 2018
Word: Integral
- Parts of Speech: Adjective/Noun
- Meaning: Something that is integral is significant or necessary;
- Example: It’s an integral part of what made the community strong.
- If you are an integral part of the team, it means the team cannot function without you.
Word: Impetus
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Force behind something, whether it is a boulder rolling down a hill or a person making decision; A force that moves something along.
- Example: My career needed a fresh impetus; I could contact someone for help.
Word: Liminality
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Liminality is the quality of being in two places or stages on the verge of transitioning to something new.
- Example: There is a liminality to the brief moment between being fully asleep and being fully awake.
Word: Ideation
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: The act of coming up with an idea. The process of forming and relating ideas.
- Example: If you imagine a flying car and think of how to make it, that's ideation. It’s a creative process.
Word: Actualisation
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Making real or giving the appearance of reality.
- Example: Part of the "actualisation" process, as the regime puts it, is a recent law on foreign investments.
Word: Embrace
- Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb
- Meaning: Welcome with open arms, hold, hug and accept completely.
- The act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection).
- Example: Father enveloped his son in an embrace, speaking softly and gently, “Sammy, it’s time to go home. Your mother is waiting."
Word: Fringe
- Parts of Speech: Verb/Noun
- Meaning: An ornamental border consisting of short lengths of hanging threads or tassels.
- Provide with a border or edge.
- Example: The paper was thick, and at each torn edge was a fringe of tangled fibers.