Word: Tuft
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: A tuft is a clump or bunch of something soft and feathery; A bunch of feathers or hair.
- Example: His tufts of black hair stuck up in curls like baby bat wings (The House of Hades).
Word: Succinct
- Parts of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: Something succinct is short and clear, Briefly giving the gist of something.
- Example: “Of course I won’t. I am occupied at the moment with an especially succinct passage.” (A Confederacy of Dunces).
Word: “Annotated bibliography"
- Parts of Speech: Adjective/Noun
- Meaning: List of sources (Books, Articles) used for researching a topic with notes on how the material was used.
- Example: An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) with a short paragraph about each source.
Word: Bequeath
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: Leave your possessions to another person after someone’s death.
- Example: These invaluable lessons weren't bequeathed to me by my parents, friends, or well-wishers.
Word: Envision
- Parts of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: Picture to oneself; imagine possible
- Example: When I envision the tapestry of my life.
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