Word: Collaboratively
- Parts of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: Together with other people.
- Example: When you collaborate, you cooperate or join forces with other people.
Word: Clairvoyance
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: Apparent power to perceive things not present to the senses.
- Example: Clairvoyance could be described as the ability to tell the future, read someone’s mind, or communicate with dead people.
Word: Telekinesis
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: The power to move something by thinking about it without applying any force.
- Example: We pretended the little boy who walked in with his mom had telekinesis (P.S. I Miss You).
Word: Anecdotal
- Parts of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: Consisting of short stories based on someone’s personal experience.
- Example: There is no research supporting this anecdotal approach, but there are numerous studies supporting the efficacy of sound self-help books with scientifically tested techniques to alleviate human suffering (New York TimesAug 22, 2019).
Word: Proponents
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: People who support something or persuade people to do something.
- Example: You might be a proponent of a longer vacation, but your parents might be proponents of a longer year school.