Monday, January 15, 2024

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (Are you familiar with these? And how do you use these words?)


 Word: Peer-review

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Involves a process of approval by experts before publishing.
  • Evaluate professionally a colleague’s work.
  • Example: I thought they went on peer-review and so on (The Subtle Knife).


Word: Manuscripts

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: Pieces of writing that have not been published.
  • Handwritten book or document, The form of literary work submitted for publication.
  • Example: Samuel Johnson said, “Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good.” Harrumph!

Word: Glaring

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Obviously very bad, Shining Intensely, Outrageously bad or Reprehensible.
  • Example: “Regrets,” they apologized in turn and sat down glaring at each other (The Phantom Tollbooth).


Word: Carnival

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: Fair, FunFair, A Traveling show, A large public entertainment with rides and games of skill.
  • Example: One of my earliest childhood dreams was to be the coolest guy at any amusement park or carnival I visited.


Word: Awe

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: An overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration.
  • Example: It was an absolute quest. And once we got there, I was just in awe of the place.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (Are you familiar with these? And how do you use these words?)



Word: Collaboratively

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Together with other people.
  • Example: When you collaborate, you cooperate or join forces with other people.


Word: Clairvoyance

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: Apparent power to perceive things not present to the senses.
  • Example: Clairvoyance could be described as the ability to tell the future, read someone’s mind, or communicate with dead people.


Word: Telekinesis

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: The power to move something by thinking about it without applying any force.
  • Example: We pretended the little boy who walked in with his mom had telekinesis (P.S. I Miss You).


Word: Anecdotal

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Consisting of short stories based on someones personal experience.
  • Example: There is no research supporting this anecdotal approach, but there are numerous studies supporting the efficacy of sound self-help books with scientifically tested techniques to alleviate human suffering (New York TimesAug 22, 2019).


Word: Proponents

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: People who support something or persuade people to do something.
  • Example:  You might be a proponent of a longer vacation, but your parents might be proponents of a longer year school.

Source: Google, Webster Dictionary,

Friday, January 12, 2024

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (Are you familiar with these? And how do you use these words?)



Word: Despite

  • Parts of Speech: 
  • Meaning: Although something happens or exists.
  • "Despite" is a preposition that means "regardless of," "even though," or “notwithstanding.”
  • Despite is used as a preposition when something happens even though something else might have prevented it.
  • Example: I had a lot of fun yesterday despite the fact that the weather was quite bad.


Word: Condensed

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Simplified or Shortened. 
  • When you condense something, you cut it down and trim it.
  • Example: Her feelings condensed.


Word: Harvested

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: Gathered (for crops in a field). The harvest is the time when you reap what you sow.
  • Example: They gathered a harvest of examples.


Word: Spatial

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Relating to the position, shape, and size of the things. 
  • Spatial has to do with the distance between things.
  • Example: Something to do with balance and equilibrium affecting my spatial orientation (We Are the Ants).


Word: “Narrow Down"

  • Parts of Speech: 
  • Meaning: Make a list smaller by removing things in order to develop a specific focus.
  • To reduce the number of options or choices when making a decision.
  • Example:  We narrowed the choices down to 10 categories.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (Are you familiar with these? And how do you use these words?)



Word: Rhetorical

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Using speech or writing in special ways in order to persuade people or to produce an impressive effect.
  • Example: But poor Miss Warren, she answered my rhetorical question (The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian).


Word: Crucial

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Of great Significance or Value.
  • Example: Orderliness is crucial for an effective fighting force (Lincoln's Last Days: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever).


Word: Anticipate

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Predict and prepare for, be excited or anxious about, and realize beforehand.
  • Example: Mother was as easy as I had anticipated (I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings).


Word: Heliocentric

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective 
  • Meaning: Having or representing the sun as the center, which means Earth and all other planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun.
  • Example: A heliocentric universe resonated with kepler’s religious sense, and he embraced it with fervor (Cosmos).


Word: Precipitation

  • Parts of Speech: 
  • Meaning: Rain, snow etc, that falls to the ground.
  • The falling to earth of any form of water.
  • Example:  All right. There must be pounds of oxalic acid for calcium precipitations (I, Robot).
  • The storm brought several inches of precipitation.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (Are you familiar with these? And how do you use these words?)


Word: Cadet  

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: A cadet is a trainee enrolled in a military academy.
  • Younger male is a family.
  • Example: The film explains that when Kirk was a cadet, he reprogrammed the simulation because he didnt believe in the no-win scenario. - (The Last Lecture).


Word: Cite

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Make reference to, refer to for illustration of proof.
  • Example: And ‘The Devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.’ - Fahrenheit 451.


Word: Adonis

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: A handsome youth loved by both Aphrodite and Persephone.
  • Example: It didnt matter if he was a buffed-up Adonis or if he was some nerd who couldnt get his arms around (The Last Lecture).


Word: Tenacity

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: Persistent determination.
  • Example: Tenacity is a virtue, but its not always crucial for everyone to observe how hard you work at something - (The Last Lecture).


Word: Cynics

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: A member of a group of ancient Greek philosophers who advocated the doctrine that virtue is the only good and that the essence of virtue is self-control
  • Example:  I could predict what the tech-savvy cynics were thinking (The Last Lecture).

——————————————————————————————— Dictionary,

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (Are you familiar with these? And how do you use these words?)


 Word: Humanities

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: The humanities are studies about human culture, such as literature, philosophy, and history.
  • Example: Studying the humanities gives you general knowledge.
  • You probably wont study humanities at a beauty school.


Word: Imply

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Imply means to suggest, express, or show something suggest something without stating it directly.
  • Example: To imply is to suggest or to throw out a suggestion; to infer is to conclude or to take a suggestion.
  • A friend’s abrupt manner would imply that he is in a foul mood.


Word: Transitional

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: of or relating to or characterized by a transition.
  • Example: “Good. Now look over here at the transitional elements.” - Okay for Now.


Word: Synopsis

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: A sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory.
  • Example: I mumble a synopsis and then ask if I can be silent to tan - Saints and Misfits.


Word: Conventional

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Following accepted customs, Conforming with accepted standards, in accord with.
  • Example:  There are other, more conventional ways to achieve this task.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (Are you familiar with these? And how do you use these words?)


 Word: Radical

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective/Noun
  • Meaning: Use of opinions and actions far beyond the norm.
  • If something is considered extremist or very different from anything normal, it is considered radical.
  • Example: “That man is a dangerous radical,” Ignatius said darkly - A Confederacy of Dunces


Word: Annotation 

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: Annotations are simple notes and comments.
  • Example: Highlighting or underlining keywords, phrases, or major ideas is the most common form of annotating texts. Many people use this method to make it easier to review material, especially for exams.


Word: Paraphrase

  • Parts of Speech: Verb/Noun
  • Meaning: Express the same message in different words, Rewording for clarification.
  • Example: He paraphrased his sentence to give clarity.
  • When paraphrasing, it is important to keep the original meaning so that the facts remain intact.


Word: Profess

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Confess ones faith in, or allegiance to; admit to wrongdoing or State freely; State sincerely 
  • Example: He professed innocence but later admitted his guilt.


Word: Frugal

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Avoiding Waste.
  • A person who lives simply and economically can be called Frugal.
  • Example:  They’re so frugal with things here, waste is practically a criminal activity - Mockingjay

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (Are you familiar with these? And how do you use these words?)


 Word: Badgering 

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: The act of harassing someone, Torment, Bedevilment.
  • Example: She was already badgering the Wellington crew, who carried her to put her down - Code Name Verity


Word: Ambitious

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Wanting to succeed, Having a strong desire for success or achievement.
  • Example: Ambitious people are dedicated, motivated, and unafraid to take initiative. They push forward and are determined to succeed.


Word: Distill

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Undergo condensation, Change from a gaseous to a liquid state, and fall in drops.
  • Example: The acid distills at a specific temperature.


Word: Princely

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: Rich and superior in quality, Noble, Havinf the rank of.
  • Example: Philip was the youngest, the most princely, and furthest removed from his father - The Great Santini


Word: Cherish

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: be fond of, be attached to.
  • Example:  He genuinely loved and cherished her.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (Are you familiar with these? And how do you use these words?)


Word: Aardvark

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: An Aardvark is a long-nosed African animal that eats ants and termites.
  • Example: You know Aardvarks better than anyone. Would you write an entry for us? (The Last Lecture). 


Word: Morale

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: Morale is the spirit a group has that makes them want to succeed.
  • Example: But he established the vision, the tone. He was in charge of morale (The Last Lecture).


Word: Infatuation

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: Falling in love with someone or temporarily becoming extremely interested in someone or something.
  • Example: Over the years, some of my sophisticated academic colleagues have turned up their noses at my Star Trek infatuation.
  • They had also been, not in love exactly, but something more immature, a kind of infatuation or crush.


Word: Delegate

  • Parts of Speech: Noun/Verb
  • Meaning: A person appointed or elected to represent others. 
  • Assign a task to a person; Transfer power to someone.
  • Example: My manager made me his delegate while he was on vacation.


Word: Foreshadow

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: To foreshadow is to predict something or to give a hint of what is to come.
  • Indicate by signs; To warn.
  • Example:  He was co-writing a book with Kirk about how scientific breakthroughs first imagined on Star Trek foreshadowed todays technological advancements.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Lexicon Lift: 5 Daily Words (Are you familiar with these? And how do you use these words?)




 Word: Coddle

  • Parts of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: Cook gently in water that is near boiling.
  • Treat with excessive indulgence or pampering.
  • Example: It saddens me that many kids nowadays are so coddled.
  • While it is okay for parents to coddle or pamper a young child, its a little unnerving when they coddle or pamper adult children.


Word: Livid

  • Parts of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: If you are livid, you are furious, in a black cloud of anger.
  • Furiously angry.
  • Discolored by coagulation of blood beneath the skin.
  • Example: Coach Graham was livid: Jeez! Thats the most Ive seen you boys move since this game started!”
  • When he turned to practice and discovered his reduction in status, he was livid.


Word: Muster

  • Parts of Speech: Verb/Noun
  • Meaning: Gather or bring together, call to duty, jury duty, a gathering of military personnel for duty.
  • Example: I could barely muster a Yeah.
  • I was too exhausted to muster a clever reply.


Word: Conditioning

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: The cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge.
  • Example: When coach Graham first got hold of me, I was this wimpy kid with no skills or conditioning.


Word: Personnel

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: A group of people willing to obey orders.
  • Example:  There is talk of a botched (Careless or carried out badly) investigation and suggestions that a change in personnel may be required..